Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bright Spots on the Gloomy Front

I am the gloomy front BUT I some things are making the gloom glow a little brighter:

- Coffee with Miss Marisa and maybe Caitlin and David! I haven't seen them in two whole weeks. I miss them all!
- Kaleb was born today! I'm going to visit on Saturday. He's a damn cute little one.
- Barack Obama and Joe Biden were sworn in two days ago. Hope just keeps on rising up.
- It's Thursday, which means tomorrow is Friday. That means that this work week is over.
- Jury Duty starts on 2/2/2009. I liked it the first time I served. It made me feel like I was a part of the process. I'm a nerd.
- The Super Bowl is almost here. That means I get to see my friends and watch the last game of the 2008 season. I don't count the Pro Bowl.
- I'm pricing the Canon Digital Rebel XSi. I'm going to get on by summer. I've decided.
- I'm going to Italy to see my Annnnnne! I love Italy. I love real vacation.

I'm trying to look up, since all I really want to do is bury my head in the sand and hide.


Ritz Control said...

how is it that i JUST found out about this?! sneaky sneakster...

Ritz Control said...

how is it that i JUST found out about this?! sneaky sneakster...

Ritz Control said...

how many comments do i have to leave before i figure out they have to be approved first??